Guillermo and May Aguilar
World of Life Ministries
In 2002 the Lord began to lay a burden in our hearts for the country of Nicaragua, and an increasing desire to go and serve Him in that place. After years of praying, we arrived at Managua on October 30th 2007, to start the Word of Life Nicaragua ministry. For the next 14 years the Lord allowed us to serve in that beautiful Country, and we are deeply thankful to God for this wonderful experience, starting and developing a new ministry and a missionary team. During those years God gave us a wonderful group of young Nicaraguans who now conform the WOL Nicaragua staff.

Kenneth and Valerie Balootje
Sowing for Eternity
Dominican Republic

Jim and Susie Horne
Cristian Light Ministries
Jim and Susie felt a call in their lives to touch the lives of unreached people groups in Kenya. They have done so through starting numerous schools, feeding centers, churches, a Bible college and dug wells in communities. Jim and Susie have profoundly touched thousands of lives in Kenya!

Tim Lee
Tim Lee Ministries
Tim Lee has spent the past 45 years in active ministry as a full time evangelist. He has preached in all 50 states and numerous countries around the world. He has addressed thousands of local churches, Christian schools, public schools, civic organizations, veterans organizations, corporate events, colleges and universities as well as hundreds of special patriotic events. Tim Lee is known as the “Legendary Speaker” at MCRD Parris Island, where he has spoken to tens of thousands of Marines and Marine Recruits since 2013.
For 28 years Tim and his family hosted one of the most exciting teen camps in America called YOUTH ALIVE where thousands of lives were changed.
Tim and his wife Connie have been married for 50 years, and they live in Rowlett, Texas. They have three children and six grandchildren.

Young Ho and Cathy Lee
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
A Letter from 2020

Andrew and Stephanie Pace
ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism)
Lima, Peru
Andy and Stephanie Pace serve in Lima, Peru, aiding local church planting and fueling a church planting/missions movement in Peru. They use Christian education in Peru to forge biblical worldviews to help Peru become an epicenter for world missions.

Jose and Gaby Prado
Hope Ministries
Costa Rica

Jason and Charity Rishel
Vision Baptist Missions
Burkina Faso, Africa

Kyle and Hannah Shreve
Vision Baptist Missions

Russ and Lynn Turner
Global Faith Mission Agency
Costa Rica
The Turners have been missionaries in Costa Rica and Latin America for over 40 years. They established churches in different cities and towns of Costa Rica, and helped other national pastors and their churches for over 32 years. They still live and minister in Costa Rica, but have now extended their ministry to include evangelizing indigenous people groups and teaching pastors and workers throughout Central and South America. Russ & Lynn travel to strategic locations including hard-to-reach areas with indigenous populations who are unreached or under-reached with the gospel and Bible teaching. Their goal is to multiply themselves by training pastors to reach their own tribes.