Nursery Ministry

Any time the doors are open at HBBC there is a nursery available for infants and toddlers. All toys and play areas are sanitized after every service. During each service, there is a paging system in place if the nursery should need you for an emergency.

Imagine what our services would be like if all our babies and toddlers were in there with us! This important ministry provides parents and other church members the opportunity to worship and to focus on the pastor’s message without the distraction of the little ones.

Ladies are always needed in this ministry. Sandy Johnson,
our Nursery Director, would love to help you become involved. Take a look below at our Nursery Ministry Guidelines.


o   All mothers of nursery age children are expected to work in the nursery ministry at least one service per month.

o   Teen girls must be in 7th grade to help in the nursery on the toddler side only.

o   Teen girls (including highschoolers) are not permitted to work on the crib side of the nursery. Because of this rule, be sure not to switch with a teen if you are scheduled to work the crib side of the Nursery.

o   Arrive 15 minutes prior to the service.


o   Sunday Mornings: use the pager system to notify parents they are needed.

o   Small Groups: use the radio to notify the hallway usher of which parent is needed.

o   Wednesday Nights: use the pager system to notify parents in auditorium or the radio to notify the parent that is needed in the Children’s Building.

o   Usher will be ensuring the doors to the church are locked during service.

o   No child or teen will be permitted to pick up babies.

o   If you are not scheduled to work the nursery or if you do not have a child in the nursery, do not come into the nursery. This is overwhelming to the little ones.

Health & Sanitization

o   Everyone should help by wiping down and/or spraying all toys, and tables. Teens be sure to help with this as well… if a child touched it, it needs to be sanitized after the service.

o   Use disposable pads for each diaper change.

o   Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after each diaper change.

o   Trash and soiled diapers must be taken to dumpster after each service.

o   Changing Table linens must be changed if soiled. Place in basket in Crib side bathroom.

o   No child should be allowed to stand on the tables or chairs at any time. This is an accident waiting to happen.

o   Err on the side of caution. If your child is sick within the last 24 hrs, do not bring them into the nursery.

o   No children age 3 or older allowed in the nursery prior to, during, or after the service.

o   Any medication that needs to be given, must be given by the parent only.


o   Each workers needs to sign if they are working the nursery. Whether filling in or scheduled.

o   All diaper bags and loose items must have a label on them if not previously marked. All diaper bags and loose items must have a label on them if not previously marked.

o   Each child must have a label on their back for every service.

o   Sunday Mornings: Make sure parents sign in and have pager number.

o   Sunday Evenings: Make sure parents sign in and have their facilitator’s name instead of pager number.

o   Wednesday Evenings: If parent is going to be in the auditorium, make sure they have a pager number. If they will be in Teens, be sure to have them write that on there.


o   Absolutely no meals or fast food is permitted in the nursery.

o   The only snack items kept in the nursery are goldfish and animal crackers. Make sure child is allowed to eat before you give them any.

o   Do not bring a snack that could cause an allergic reaction if another child were to get a hold of it (i.e.: peanut butter crackers, etc)